Today was my 2nd day officially working downtown instead of in Cool Springs so I had a lot more options for running (and it's always nice to skip the traffic). I decided to head over to Centennial Park, but since I'm getting more and more bored with greenways/tracks I opted for the streets instead of just running around the park. Back at home I loaded up the Garmin to pull down the stats and realized I almost literally ran all the way around Vanderbilt University, plus partially around Centennial at the end! I think next time I'll try to purposely make a crazy drawing by running weird routes! See Shannan.. you can't do THAT on a treadmill :)
Oh and I ran 5 miles which makes me feel much better about my race in less than 2 weeks. Not only that, but 2 of the splits were negative with a 3rd being 2 seconds away from being negative (all under 10:00) and I can't remember the last time that happened! My knee whispered to me for about the first .5 miles and then it shut up until about the 4.5 mile mark. Post-run it feels about the same as it normally does after a shorter run.
I like your drawerings, Simon. :) Glad to see your knee is holding up!
I'm jealous of your squiggly running maps! Seriously! I sent out a hint to the hubby yesterday that I'm eyeing the 305. Is that the one you have? It seems so excessive, considering I just bought the iPod and the Nike+ to use, but oh, if that running outside bug bites, I'd really love to be able to map everything out like that. I love gadgets. :)
Yay for your knee! Let's hope this keeps up. Have a good afternoon!
It's the Forerunner 205. It's the same thing as the 305 but without the HR monitor and without the option to add the (pricey) foot pod which lets you track data inside where the GPS doesn't work. I love being outside and don't want the HR data so I decided to save some $$$ and get the 205.
If you love gadgets and are a nerdy math/stats kinda person like me I would highly recommend it :)
Oh, that's good to know. I really don't need the HRM since I have a Polar one with the waist band that's just like the one that comes with the 305 (got it two years ago as a way to make my walking more interesting in the days before running). The Nike+ that I have yet to really use takes care of the inside part of it (once I can get it properly calibrated) Thanks for the tip. I'll have to "resubmit" my wish list hint to the hubby. LOL
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