What was it? A metal post sticking up about 1 foot out of the SIDEWALK that looked like it used to be the bottom of a stop sign. A little odd since it wasn't at a corner, but in the middle of a damn sidewalk with no roads around it. Thanks Vanderbilt, you suck ass! It's more of a slight puncture wound than a cut, but it was 20-30 minutes before I could finish my 5.1 mile run (yes I'm an idiot) and get home to ice it so it's bruising and swelling nicely now. Just when I thought I was getting my groove back (and thinking of changing my name to Stella) I find a new and creative way to injure myself. The moral of the story is if you run at night LOOK AT THE GROUND.. oh and also look out for cars :)
Any advice on whether or not to run with a small puncture wound anyone? I was already planning on resting tomorrow, but wanted to have a decent 5-7 mile run this weekend.
Here it is before the bruising/swelling started...

Ouchie! Hey, when was your last tetanus shot?
Now you know why I generally avoid running after dark...I'm a klutz when it's fully daylight out.
Running after dark in the Winter when there's a full moon is about the only time when I feel like I can see enough to be safe. Snow makes everything kind of glow. Probably doesn't happen real often by you, though.
haha! sorry, but it's a little funny. once in high school i ran into a sign. it was one that said buses only during certain hours. i bent it, and last time i checked it was still bent! it was of course broad daylight when i hit the sign! i'd say if you feel like you can run, run.
Thanks Zoomy.. hadn't thought about the tetanus shot and I'm 99% sure it's been over 10 years so now I will end my week with a painful lunch break :(
Holly.. you bent a sign? That explains SOOO much (i.e. Oramilk) :)
oh my word, it was like 15 years ago! i could pull up your random childhood embarrassing memories!
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