
The Hills

Today when I made it to the 1.5 mile split I went left for the first time, hoping to avoid the ridiculous hills that I found to the right on Sunday. What did I find? More hills! At first it didn't seem as bad because they weren't as steep, but there were more of them. Between the hills and the 5 miles I'd already ran this week, my stomach decided to stop just before the 2 mile mark... so I pushed it to 2.25 miles before I stopped for a .25 mile walk to catch my breath.

Apparently that was enough to catch my 2nd wind (the one that normally comes after 1 mile, but didn't today) and I ran another 1.75 miles before I made myself stop so I could cool down and not over do it. In all I went 4.6 miles, running 4.1 of those in a total time of 41:54. Even with the walking that's a pace of 9:07/mile!

I think I'm going to rest or cross-train the next 2 days then try for a longer run on Saturday.

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