
Boulevard Bolt Results

The official results are in and it looks like I'm still good at math. My predicted time was exactly right: 42:54 which is a new PR by 3 seconds! Not much, but still more than I thought I was going to be capable of that day. Out of 1370 runners with chips I was 60th in the 30-34 age group, 404th in my gender and 549th overall. My friend beat me by 44 seconds which I was expecting, but after I got to the finish and realized I had done better than I thought I would, I kinda hoped I had beat him. Oh well, I'll get you next time!


Anonymous said...

Hey Thomas! I wanted to stop by and tell you that I did 5K yesterday! I had your encouraging comment in mind when I wanted to quit. :)

Oh, and hubby and I saw a Garmin (305) IN PERSON for the first time! LOL I touched it, and it gave me the desire to GET OUT THERE ALREADY! Soon...it's SO COLD. Yesterday it was 3 degrees in the morning, and the sidewalks are caked in ice and snow in parts. Today was at least up to freezing, at a balmy 32.6. Hopefully, the Garmin arrives in my Christmas stocking or soon after! :) Have a good one!

Thomas said...

Great job! I hope you get the Garmin, you'll love it!