
Belle Meade Cops Are Assholes

To anyone who has ever been to Belle Meade it would not be a shock to find out that anyone in that city is an asshole. So tonight me and John went to run the course for our race coming up on Thanksgiving morning. It's a 5 mile route along Belle Meade Blvd, a major road with a narrow bike/running path on both sides. I kept an easy pace and the hills aren't bad so I'm looking forward to the race in less than a week.

Somewhere around the 3rd mile we pass a cop who was stopped at a turn-around harassing another runner. She proceeds to tell us that it's a city law (that we're supposed to somehow know?!) to wear reflective clothing at night that is visible from 300 feet away when headlights are shining on you. Fine. I'm wearing A SOLID WHITE LONG SLEEVE SHIRT which she tells me is not good enough. Anyone who shined their headlights on me and could not see the bright white shirt does NOT need to be driving!

Then she said she'd give us a reflective vest for the rest of our run tonight, but next time she'd write us an $80 ticket. For some reason she freaked out when she went to her trunk to get the vest and I started to follow her. I'm not sure what she keeps in her trunk, but she sure as hell didn't want me to see it. She only had 1 vest so John wore it and when he got 100 feet in front of me I couldn't see it.. but you could see my white shirt from there.

She assured us that they do this for our safety.. yeah, if those pompous asses were concerned about runner's safety they would use part of that huge landscaped median to put in sidewalks. But then that wouldn't look appealing with the million dollar homes on that road now would it? Don't worry stuck up, lazy ass cop.. I won't be running in Belle Meade again after the race on Thanksgiving.

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