
Garmin-less Run

It certainly wasn't on purpose, but tonight was my first run without my Garmin since I bought it. It was also the first run on a non-marked trail without some kind of watch to keep at least a rough idea of my distance and speed.

I started at Centennial Park and tried to purposely not take too many turns, although a group of 3 women running somewhere around mile #3 may have altered my course slightly :) At any rate after mapping my route on RunningAhead.com it came out to approximately 5.45 miles at a 9:11 pace which I was pretty happy with. It was a little farther than I was planning on going, but that just made it even better!

Tonight was also my first time running in sub-40 degree temps (not counting my first 5k 7 years ago) and I realized one thing; gloves are awesome! I would rather forget my Garmin again than forget gloves! Ok enough writing, time to ice!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice run. Good call on the gloves.

Oh, the cold! It was 18 degrees yesterday morning here. It is wayyy too early in the season to be getting this cold out. After living a couple of years in the Las Vegas desert in my late teens, I lost all cold tolerance, and now I'm a whimp. Born and raised in Chicago for the most part, and now I can't go outside without shivering instantly.

RA's route mapping is awesome. I even tell friends who walk to go and use it to measure out their walks.

I'm off to try to get in 5,000 words in today for my NaNoWriMo story. I'm so behind in it. Have a good one!