
Nashville Public Works employees are lazy

Tonight was my first real night run where the majority of the run was in the dark. It was the first time in a while that I've run 2 days in a row, but after 2 miles I settled in and felt good. Unlike last week my legs felt fine and unlike yesterday my lunch didn't try to come up. Everything was fine until somewhere around 3.5 miles when I almost fell down after running into something that didn't make my leg feel very good.

What was it? A metal post sticking up about 1 foot out of the SIDEWALK that looked like it used to be the bottom of a stop sign. A little odd since it wasn't at a corner, but in the middle of a damn sidewalk with no roads around it. Thanks Vanderbilt, you suck ass! It's more of a slight puncture wound than a cut, but it was 20-30 minutes before I could finish my 5.1 mile run (yes I'm an idiot) and get home to ice it so it's bruising and swelling nicely now. Just when I thought I was getting my groove back (and thinking of changing my name to Stella) I find a new and creative way to injure myself. The moral of the story is if you run at night LOOK AT THE GROUND.. oh and also look out for cars :)

Any advice on whether or not to run with a small puncture wound anyone? I was already planning on resting tomorrow, but wanted to have a decent 5-7 mile run this weekend.

Here it is before the bruising/swelling started...


Zoomy said...

Ouchie! Hey, when was your last tetanus shot?

Now you know why I generally avoid running after dark...I'm a klutz when it's fully daylight out.


Running after dark in the Winter when there's a full moon is about the only time when I feel like I can see enough to be safe. Snow makes everything kind of glow. Probably doesn't happen real often by you, though.

Holly said...

haha! sorry, but it's a little funny. once in high school i ran into a sign. it was one that said buses only during certain hours. i bent it, and last time i checked it was still bent! it was of course broad daylight when i hit the sign! i'd say if you feel like you can run, run.

Thomas said...

Thanks Zoomy.. hadn't thought about the tetanus shot and I'm 99% sure it's been over 10 years so now I will end my week with a painful lunch break :(

Holly.. you bent a sign? That explains SOOO much (i.e. Oramilk) :)

Holly said...

oh my word, it was like 15 years ago! i could pull up your random childhood embarrassing memories!