
Oh Canada

I took today off work because I figured after the election one of these 3 things would happen:

1) I would be celebrating late into the night
2) I would be waiting late into the night for results to become official
3) I would be planning my move to Canada, eh.

So since I was off work today (and since stupid Central time makes it get dark WAY too early), I went for a run earlier than normal. Other than the time of day and a handful of Reese's Pieces that I ate beforehand, I did nothing different than my other runs. Yet just before the 1.5 mile mark I felt like I was about to hurl and had to walk for a little bit. Then I tried running again and another mile later had the same feeling. I somehow survived 3 miles total, but my stomach was definitely not happy about it. I guess it could be the alfredo sauce that I had as part of dinner last night, but hopefully my next run goes much smoother.

1 comment:

Holly said...

my vote is on the reese's pieces. my stomach hates me if i eat anything within an hour or two before a run. maybe it's something genetic.
p.s. i'm enjoying the watch. i finally got everything set so i can calculate mileage. i used it on a 5 mile run the other day and then on a small backpacking excursion yesterday.