
2 new "firsts"

Yesterday I ended my post with "Maybe 4 tomorrow" which turned out to be wrong. I met a friend of mine after work to go run around Vanderbilt University (you can guess the various reasons). We ran past The Athlete's House where I bought my shoes and they're nice enough to keep a cooler of water outside for runners. We kept going and before too long he said if we just ran to the light that was the 3 mile mark where we could turn around so I figured I might as well go for my first 6 miler! So other than a 30 second bathroom break, 2 quick water breaks at The Athlete's House and a few intersections where we had to wait on the traffic, I had my first 6 mile run and it felt great. Today's run also put my total mileage for September over the miles I ran in August.. and the month is barely half over :)

Even better is that there were hills-a-plenty and they didn't seem to bother me at all. Somebody on RA once advised looking down as you go up a hill and keep telling yourself you're just about to *start* going up the hill.. next thing you know you're already at the top. Today was the first time I've had any decent sized hills to test that theory out on and it works great so thanks to whoever that was!

The other "first" is that I ran for over an hour for the first time. I guess tomorrow I will be back to a shorter 3 mile run.


J said...

Congrats on the great 6 miles run! You are lucky to have hills to train on. In Florida it is flat, so you get one race that happens to have an overpass and it kills you! So I guess keep that in mind when you run your hills - they are built-in strength training.

Thomas said...

Thanks! That run started with a big hill and I said several words going up it, but "lucky" was not one of them! After that the hills were fine though and it sure was nice finishing the run coming DOWN that same big hill.