

Oh, yeah I guess I said this blog was also about me eating healthier and quitting smoking so I should probably post my progress on that too :)

Eating healthier was the first change I made so it's become pretty routine now that it's been almost 2 months. I buy only 100% whole wheat breads, eat more turkey, chicken and pork and less ham, hardly eat any red meat, eat less instead of gorging myself every meal, avoid fried foods except for my once a week splurge at Chick-Fil-A, drink maybe 1 coke a week (instead of 3-4 a day), drink juice, diet green tea and lots of water, take my lunch with me to work instead of getting fast food, get healthier meals when I go places where I used to eat unhealthy (the guiltless grilled chicken sandwich at Chili's is AWESOME), and probably other things I'm forgetting. The biggest area I need to improve on is fruits and vegetables. I love me some broccoli and asparagus, but I don't eat enough and the closest thing to fruit I really get is from my Flat Earth chips.

The smoking is the most recent change and is going easier than I had thought it would. I decided to quit at 1:51 PM on 8/27/2008. Since that time I've had no more than 2 a day except for when I've had alcohol. I figured I would cut it out of everyday life first since that's easier and accounts for the majority of my time. The last 3 days I've had 1 each day, at night and each night it gets more and more repulsive and I put it out before it's gone. This morning I was told my car smelled 100 times better than it used to, and hopefully I smell better too :)

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